Poem - Everywhere and Always
God dwells with us
Everywhere and Always
Right here.
That’s where God is.
In the sun that turns our bedroom gold,
in the creaks of this old house, and in birthday candles on
the cake;
in clean sheets, sock feet, and porch-stting;
in pancakes for breakfast and pancakes for dinner;
in the swell of a lit candle, in fireplace conversations;
in your grandmother’s carrotcake, and the smell of evergreen.
God is in the seed-starters on the porch,
and the space between my bones;
in garlic butter, early mornings, and twinkle lights.
Certainly in dancing and laughing, in cups of coffee,
in the art hung on the fridge, snail mail, long phone calls,
and oh how I love yous. God is right here.
God pulled up a seat. God has traveled all the way to the heart.
Tell the next generation.
Poem by
Rev. Sarah (Are) Speed